Announce Happy New Year 2024, Fellow Crafters!


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Jo Jo
Staff member
Dec 28, 2020

Happy New Year 2024, Fellow Crafters!​

May this year be filled with boundless creativity, endless adventures, and remarkable builds in our Minecraft universe. Wishing you all joy, success, and countless blocks to mine as you start on this new journey!

Let's kick off the year by celebrating our December stars:
🏅 HemalGaming: Top richest player - Champion Rank for 30 days!
🥈 Zedzz: Second richest - Champion Rank for 15 days!
🥉 AlviPlayz: Third richest - Champion Rank for 7 days!

Also, honoring our top voters:
🏅 N0TH1N5: Top voter - Champion Rank for 30 days!
🥈 astrozex: Second top voter - Champion Rank for 15 days!
🥉 akmmusfiq: Third top voter - Champion Rank for 7 days!

Congratulations, all! Your dedication makes our Minecraft world shine. Here's to an amazing year ahead!